Volume & Issue: Volume 3, Issue 1, January 2024 
Job satisfaction among health care providers at governmental and private hospitals in the West Bank: a cross-sectional study

Pages 12-21


Rebhi Bsharat; Mariam Bahlooz; Fedaa Harasheh; Hadeel Hameda; Yara Jabber

The necessity of anterior transposition of the ulnar nerve in patients receiving corrective osteotomy for cubitus valgus deformity with tardy ulnar nerve palsy: A prospective comparative observational study

Pages 22-28


Saswat Samant; Ashok Kumar Gachhayat; Sumanyu Kumar Tripathy; Saurav Narayan Nanda; Mac Anson; Tanmoy Mohanty

Developing and validating a scale to measure the risk of deep vein thrombosis (DVT) in patients who are candidates for surgery

Pages 29-35


Tayebeh Azarmehr; Fereshte Sargolzaei; Mahboobe Doostkami; Mohammadreza Azizi; Najmeh Ghiami Keshtgar

Clinical significance of Tp-e interval, Tp-e/QT ratio, and Tp-e/QTc ratio in patients with renal colic

Pages 36-40


Gunay Yildiz; Fatih Selvi; Cihan Bedel; Okkeş Zortuk; Yavuz Fatih Yavuz


Lyme disease: ecological and epidemiological factors influencing increased global transmission

Pages 41-49


Praneel Probir Patel; Srijan Puli

Case Report

Hypoxic brain trauma causing blindness in a multiple gunshot wound patient: a challenging clinical scenario with a brief review of the literature

Pages 50-57


Benjamin Brod; Tejas Patel; Rebecca Hargett; Berdith Lebrun; Sultan S Ahmed; Rolando Branly; Syed A. A. Rizvi